Does Vitamin B12 Make You Happy? A Neurologist Explains The Benefits of Vitamin B12


By: Suzanne Kvilhaug

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I’ll never need a reminder to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Taking one is as routine to me as brushing my teeth - and I can thank a friend for this.

My friend who would fall under the category of “young and really healthy” started periodically passing out with no warning. After she got some blood work done she learned that she had a vitamin B12 deficiency which was likely part of the cause. That stuck with me. It’s one of those unfortunate situations that I didn’t have to go through because I learned from someone else’s experience. 


Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin necessary for healthy brain function, nerve tissues, and red blood cell production. Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B-6 and folate may be linked to depression

 To learn more about Vitamin B12 and its importance on our overall health and happiness, I spoke to Dr. Rowena Chua. Dr. Chua is board-certified in Neurology with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She completed a Fellowship at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and is board-certified in Integrative Medicine with the American Board of Integrative Medicine. In 2013, she founded Meliora Integrative Medicine to provide better ways for patients to achieve optimal health, healing, and wellness. You can check out her website at

Have you noticed a direct connection between Vitamin B12 levels and happiness? 

I have seen low and suboptimal vitamin B12 levels in patients who are depressed. Studies have shown that a decrease in serum vitamin B12 levels correlates with an increase in depression and that high serum B12 levels may be associated with better treatment outcomes of depression, though more research is needed to fully understand the link between B12 and depression. There are also some studies showing that supplemental B12 may benefit patients without a deficiency by improving mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression and I have seen this occur in some of my patients as well.

As a neurologist, how often do you come across people experiencing health problems because of a vitamin B12 deficiency? 

When patients come in particularly with symptoms of low energy, memory difficulty, poor concentration, depression, anxiety or numbness, and tingling, I make sure to check their vitamin B12 levels. I find that a majority of these patients have a deficiency or suboptimal levels of B12. 

What are the most common reasons people have a vitamin B12 deficiency? 


The main causes of B12 deficiency include inadequate dietary intake and malabsorption issues. Certain factors that can increase the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency include: 

Medications - Several medications including proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, metformin, and certain antibiotics may interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12. 

Diet - Strict vegetarians and vegans are at great risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency because natural food sources of vitamin B12 are limited to animal products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products). Excess alcohol may also reduce the absorption of vitamin B12. 

Gastrointestinal disorders -With increasing age, the prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency also increases and those over 65 are at especially increased risk. Atrophic gastritis affects 10-30% of older adults and causes inadequate production of stomach acid which is needed in the release of B12 from food. 

 Patients with celiac, Crohn's disease, or other chronic inflammatory bowel conditions can cause malabsorption of vitamin B12. 

 Bariatric surgery, gastric, or colon resection can result in an inability to release and/or absorb vitamin B12.

Pernicious anemia - An autoimmune condition characterized by a lack of a protein called intrinsic factor which makes it hard for your body to absorb vitamin B12 and make enough healthy red blood cells.

Are there any obvious signs and symptoms that people can look for that indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency?

There are a few signs that might be associated with a B12 deficiency:

  • Weakness, tiredness, or light-headedness

  • Poor memory or difficulty concentrating

  • Depression, anxiety, mania

  • Numbness and tingling of hands or feet

  • Difficulty with balance, poor coordination

  • Pale skin

  • Sore tongue

  • Easy bruising or bleeding gums

  • Upset stomach or weight loss

  • Diarrhea or constipation

Because Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions, what serious mental health problems and cognitive issues can people experience due to a Vitamin B12 deficiency?

Significant neuropsychiatric symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include depression, anxiety, mild cognitive impairment, and memory loss. In severe cases, there can be confusion, psychosis, and dementia. 


How important is early detection when it comes to a vitamin B12 deficiency? 

It’s very important. If a vitamin B12 deficiency is detected early and treatment is started, symptoms can improve and irreversible damage can be avoided. 

A lot of people assume that a vitamin B12 deficiency is much more likely to happen as we age, have you found that to be a misconception or accurate? 


It’s true that vitamin B12 deficiency can be more common with age due to the increased incidence of atrophic gastritis seen in older adults. Also, older individuals tend to be on medications that can decrease the absorption of vitamin B12.  However, in my practice, I have seen vitamin B12 deficiency in patients of all ages which is consistent with evidence from the Framingham Offspring Study which found that vitamin B12 deficiency in young adults (ages 26-49) was as prevalent as in those 50-64 years and those 65 years and older.

Do you feel the nickname "energy vitamin" for Vitamin B12 is accurate?

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a type of anemia which can contribute to low energy and fatigue, thus B12 supplementation is likely to increase energy levels in those who are deficient. There is currently no evidence suggesting that more B12 increases energy in people with adequate levels of this vitamin.

By taking Vitamin B12 will someone feel an immediate boost in their mood? 

Generally, the effects vary with each individual. Some do notice an immediate effect with increased energy and improved mood but others may not. I find this can be dependent on their baseline level (those with lower levels notice more of a boost) and the form of vitamin B12 they are taking. 


What are the benefits of getting Vitamin B12 injections? Can anyone get them? 

I recommend Vitamin B12 injections if one has a very low B12 level or for an initial boost while starting oral supplementation. They are also good for those who have difficulty tolerating oral supplementation. Although Vitamin B12 injections are considered to be very safe for most patients, side effects and risks can range from pain and itching at the injection site to rare, serious concerns such as unusual weakness to an irregular heartbeat.

How can someone get their vitamin B12 levels checked? And how often do you recommend getting them checked?

A vitamin B12 level deficiency can be determined with blood tests. When a patient is starting B12 supplementation, I recommend checking levels initially every 1-3 months then 6-12 months to ensure optimal levels are maintained. 

 How To Get Your Vitamin B12 Levels Checked

If you want to get your vitamin B12 levels checked you can always talk to your doctor. But there’s also a way to do this in the comfort of your own home. Amazon sells easy at-home test kits so you can check your Vitamin B12 levels without leaving home.

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